A list I hear you ask? Sure, why not;
1x Forgeworld Avatar
7x Phoenix Lords (including whats his chops of the Shadow Spectres)
1x Illic Ivabiggun
5x Autarchs
6x Jetbike Autarchs (New and old sculpts, more on that later)
1x Wraithseer (Oh my yes)
1x Bone Singer
1x Eldrad
18x Farseers (And a Doomseer for good measure)
4x Jetbike Farseers
I'm sure there are others, but the brain isn't in sharp order at present.
Make sure you have your eyes stapled into their sockets, i'm about to introduce Vincent from Adelaide. Alternatively known as Duskfrost on CoolMiniorNot, Vincent regularly scores between 8-9. In short, your eyes may just have an orgasm - this has been a community service announcement.
More of Vincent's goodies can be found here (along with his commission service below);
WIP Necromunda Farseer (Aka Mr.Ragequit) - Yes, you read that right, WIP O_o
Regular Farseer (This was the test sample)